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  • 轻量安装文件

  • 干净简洁的用户界面

  • 快速文件索引

  • 快速搜索

  • 最小资源使用

  • 便于文件分享

  • 实时更新



    "Everything" 是什么?

    "Everything" 是 Windows 上一款搜索引擎,它能够基于文件名快速定文件和文件夹位置。

    不像 Windows 内置搜索,"Everything" 默认显示电脑上每个文件和文件夹 (就如其名 "Everything")。



    "Everything" 索引全部文件需要多长时间?

    "Everything" 仅索引文件和文件夹名,一般仅需几秒便可建立其数据库。

    全新安装的 Windows 10 (大约 120,000 个文件) 仅需 1 秒即可索引完成。

    索引 1,000,000 个文件将需要大约 1 分钟。


    "Everything" 能否搜索文件内容?

    可以,"Everything" 可以通过搜索函数 content: 来搜索文件内容。



    "Everything" 是否占用很多系统资源?

    不,"Everything" 仅需要使用非常少的系统资源。

    全新安装的 Windows 10 (大约 120,000 个文件) 仅需要大约 14 MB 的内存以及不到 9 MB 的硬盘空间。

    1,000,000 个文件需要大约 75 MB 的内存和 45 MB 的硬盘空间。


    "Everything" 能否监控文件系统变更?

    可以,"Everything" 可以监控文件系统变更。



    "Everything" 免费么?

    免费,"Everything" 是一款免费软件。



    "Everything" 是否包含恶意、间谍软件或广告?

    完全没有,"Everything" 不包含任何恶意、间谍软件或广告。


    "Everything" 在非运行时是否会丢失文件系统变更?

    不会,"Everything" 在关闭和重新打开中不会丢失文件系统变更 (甚至系统重启也不会)。

    "Everything" 将在启动后更新数据库。


    "Everything" 的系统要求是什么?

    "Everything" 能在 Windows XP、Vista、Windows 7、Windows 8 和 Windows 10 上运行。

    NTFS 索引功能需要 Everything 服务或用管理员方式打开 "Everything"。


    怎么样转换分卷为 NTFS?

    转换分卷为 NTFS前,请务必备份好任何重要资料。

    分卷一旦转换为 NTFS,它将无法转换回 FAT 或 FAT32。

    请注意,某些系统可能无法读取 U 盘或 USB 中 NTFS 分卷。


    转换分卷为 NTFS:

    • 开始菜单,点击运行

    • 输入以下内容并点击确定

    • 在命令提示符中,输入以下内容并点击确定

      convert D: /fs:ntfs

      其中 D: 是待转换分区。



    Friday, 26 May 2023: Version
    	fixed a security issue with the HTTP server.
    Wednesday, 10 May 2023: Version
    	fixed a security issue with the HTTP server.
    	fixed an issue with empty EFU items.
    Monday, 10 October 2022: Version
    	fixed a crash when loading a preview failed.
    Monday, 3 October 2022: Version
    	fixed a security issue with using an insecure http connection to check for updates.
    	fixed an issue with preventing devices from being safely removed.
    Thursday, 8 September 2022: Version
    	updated localization.
    	fixed a security issue with using an insecure http connection to open the download page.
    Wednesday, 17 August 2022: Version
    	fixed an issue with the MSI installer and removing previous versions.
    Friday, 20 May 2022: Version
    	updated localization.
    	fixed an issue with incrementing search history count when opening a bookmark.
    Friday, 17 December 2021: Version
    	fixed an encoding issue with translations.
    Thursday, 16 December 2021: Version
    	updated installer to protect against DLL hijacking.
    	updated installer to support ASLR.
    	fixed an issue with the ETP client requesting the wrong number of results.
    	fixed an issue with hotkey_user_notification_state.
    	added -rescan-all command line option.
    Thursday, 3 June 2021: Version
    	fixed an issue with detecting NTFS volumes.
    Monday, 25 January 2021: Version
    	fixed a security issue with loading urlmon.dll and imm32.dll.
    	fixed a 4-byte utf8 comparison issue.
    	fixed an issue with connecting to the Everything Service from some devices (eg: a ram drive).
    	fixed an issue with focus search on activate.
    	fixed an issue with excluding filenames with 4-byte UTF-8 characters.
    	fixed an issue with -focus-result command line options.
    	fixed an issue with \\.\c: service access
    	fixed an issue with db corruption from duplicated filenames.
    	fixed a corrupt db issue when re-scanning duplicated files.
    	fixed an issue with Ctrl + Tab.
    	fixed issues with starting a rename while there was a mouse capture.
    	fixed issues with the hide_on_close setting.
    	fixed an issue with processing command line options from multiple instances.
    	fixed an issue with copying results to the clipboard.
    	fixed an issue with using the wrong column index in LVM_GETCOLUMN.
    	fixed an issue with the es: url protocol.
    	fixed an issue with Everything holding onto volume handles after RegisterDeviceNotification fails.
    	fixed an issue with treating unmounted volumes as NTFS.
    	fixed another crash with unaligned memory access and some USB disk drivers.
    	fixed an issue when renaming a file or folder.
    	fixed a crash with unaligned memory access and some USB disk drivers.
    	fixed an issue with Everything not showing as an active window correctly.
    	fixed an issue with Windows 10 not giving Everything focus
    	fixed an issue with scheduled folder updates never occuring for network drives when waking from sleep.
    	fixed an issue when permanently deleting folders with really long filenames.
    	fixed an issue with gathering icons for files with paths longer than 260 characters.
    	fixed an issue with IPC query returning the incorrect total items.
    	fixed an issue with hidden windows staying hidden forever.
    	fixed an issue with rendering negative visible result items.
    	fixed an issue with saving column positions and widths.
    	fixed an issue with showing suggestions above the search box.
    	fixed an issue with context menus ignoring base keys.
    	fixed an issue with Everything resetting the sort after rebuilding the database.
    	fixed an issue with accessing offline volumes.
    	fixed an issue with comparing dc: to dm:
    	fixed an issue with attrib:d
    	fixed an issue with the ETP client skipping space prefixes in filenames.
    	added autofocus to the HTTP server search box.
    	added check to see if volumes are mounted before accessing.
    	added Lite version (which removes ETP/FTP/HTTP Servers and removes IPC)
    	added <meta name=\"robots\" content=\"noindex, nofollow\"> to http server
    	access denied dialog will now prompt to install the Everything Service.
    	start menu shortcut and Desktop shortcut now installed as "Everything"
    	compiled with /DYNAMICBASE
    	compiled with /NXCOMPAT
    	Installer now saves settings.
    	The installer now installs Start menu shortcuts and the Desktop shortcut for all users.
    Friday, 18 February 2019: Version
    	fixed an issue with really long filenames
    	fixed an issue when adding or removing an "include only" exclude.
    	fixed an issue with missing changes to excluded files.
    	fixed a crash when gathering NTFS file information
    	fixed an issue with updating folder information
    	fixed a crash with ntdll.dll
    	fixed a crash when renaming a folder with excluded subfolders
    	fixed an issue with calculating folder children counts when using folder excludes
    	fixed an issue with Everything detecting renamed files
    	fixed an issue when restarting Everything would restart as administrator
    	fixed an icon overlay display issue
    	fixed an issue with detecting renamed files on ReFS volumes
    	fixed an issue with deleting or renaming ReFS folders
    	fixed an issue with loading shell extensions
    	fixed a crash when clearing search history
    	fixed a security issue when running a FTP server
    	fixed an issue preventing Everything from closing when pressing ESC
    	fixed an issue where Everything would lose the current sort after reindexing
    	fixed an issue when using invalid characters to rename a file
    	fixed a crash when rendering tall or wide images
    	fixed an issue when shutting down Everything would cause it to miss changes
    	fixed a memory alignment issue
    	fixed database corruption when renaming a folder when folder size indexing is enabled or when there is a folder exclude
    	fixed an issue with circular NTFS/ReFS folder parents
    	improved thread yielding
    	added .jpeg extension to the image information search functions
    	added support for cluster sizes larger than 64k
    	added preview_context ini setting
    Wednesday, 7 June 2017: Version
    	added option to index size, dates and attributes
    	added option to enable fast sorting of size, dates, attributes, path and extension
    	added thumbnail view
    	added preview pane
    	added REFS support
    	added advanced searching
    	added multi-file renaming
    	added content searching
    	added search history organizer
    	added show total size in status bar option
    	added single click open option
    	added full row select option
    	added perl compatible regex
    	added new search functions
    	added / search commands
    	added filter functions
    	added new Everything icon
    	improved folder deletion performance
    	improved indexing when using file and folder excludes
    	improved search term highlighting
    	improved database blocking
    	improved indexes updating
    	improved folder index monitoring
    	improved NTFS indexing
    	improved re-indexing performance when the existing indexes are up to date
    	improved IPC
    	fixed an issue causing Everything to hang onto a volume handle when trying to safely remove a device
    	fixed an issue with excludes being ignored when rebuilding the indexes
    	fixed a crash when renaming a folder that had subfolders that should be excluded
    	fixed an issue with sorting by date created ascending and date accessed ascending
    	fixed a crash when accessing file information cache
    	fixed an issue with ETP url links and special characters
    	fixed a focus issue with UAC prompts
    	fixed an issue when opening a file as admin
    	fixed a lock in the Everything service
    	fixed an issue with a race condition and initializing COM
    	fixed a hang when deleting a registry key
    	fixed an issue with very large sorts
    	fixed an issue with !parent:, !child: and !c:\path
    	fixed an issue with filter modifiers
    	fixed an issue with file:!
    	fixed an issue with indexing hidden or system folders/files
    	fixed an issue with previous navigation searches
    	fixed an issue when searching for a \path\
    	fixed a crash when cutting an item multiple times
    Wednesday, 6 August 2014: Version
    	added MIT license
    	added installer localization
    	added run as admin option
    	added wildcards anywhere option
    	added run date column/sort/search
    	added support for accessible MSAA
    	added etp connection history
    	added recent changes
    	added run history
    	added home page
    	added x64 build
    	added always ontop option
    	added %APPDATA% option
    	added Everything service option
    	added search history option
    	added the option to cancel locked queries after one second
    	added context menu customization
    	added tooltips for hidden items
    	added option to not compress database
    	added custom filters
    	added hotkey option to toggle search window
    	added filelists
    	added folder indexing
    	added optional diacritical mark matching
    	added bookmarks
    	added new search functions and macros
    	improved performance when renaming/deleting folders
    	improved ETP/FTP server
    	improved HTTP server
    	fixed an issue with the installer losing settings
    	fixed an issue with name sort order
    	fixed an issue with refocusing a window with a dialog
    	fixed an issue with very small integers stored in the Everything.ini
    	fixed a focus issue when performing a file operation
    	fixed a focus issue when opening a file
    	fixed a gdi leak when showing a context menu
    	fixed a crash when closing a window when a dialog was shown
    	fixed an issue preventing the column header from updating
    	fixed a bug when searching for subpaths
    	fixed a crash when closing the window while a drag drop operation was active
    	fixed an issue preventing Everything from gaining focus on startup
    	fixed an issue with focusing options pages
    	fixed an issue where a result would lose the run count when it was renamed
    	fixed an issue with the initial folder of a save as dialog
    	fixed a crash when adding an item to an empty database
    	fixed an issue monitoring fileinfo / icon cache
    	fixed a lock when canceling and restarting file information cache
    	fixed an issue with updating icons
    	fixed a crash when sorting folders by size
    	fixed a crash when update folders with an exclude folder
    	fixed an issue with preserving column positions
    	fixed a crash when using the tray icon while a dialog was shown
    	fixed an issue where a renamed file was not being removed if its new location does not exist
    	fixed an issue when a renamed file became hidden was not removed from the db
    	fixed an issue with middle mouse button scroll
    	fixed an issue with a renamed a folder being added to the wrong location
    	fixed an issue when renaming a folder shorter than 5 characters
    	fixed a memory leak when renaming a file
    	fixed an issue with jump to when sorting by size descending
    	fixed an issue when sorting by size
    	fixed a crash when request a file type
    	fixed a sort issue for unknown sizes
    	fixed a display issue for unthemed toolbars
    	fixed an issue with the everything filter after adding a new filter
    	fixed an issue with clearing the selection after opening a result
    	fixed an issue parsing |
    	fixed an issue with shortcuts using wrong working directory
    	fixed an issue that prevented the rename edit from being closed
    	fixed a memory leak when connecting to an ETP server
    	fixed a memory leak when sorting by type
    	fixed an issue with sorting corrupting the database
    	fixed an issue with processing events
    	fixed an issue with undesired access to a floppy drive
    	fixed an option page display issue when showing tooltips
    	fixed an issue with weighted case sensitive compares
    	fixed an issue with empty key lists
    	fixed a memory leak when showing a menu
    	fixed a memory leak when changing the filter bar font
    	fixed non-unicode clipboard issue with non-ansi locale
    	fixed a bug causing the db to block while typing a search
    	fixed a bug with context menus and opening sub menus
    	fixed wrong mutex name
    	fixed shift + esc hotkey
    	fixed a memory leak when using ext:
    	fixed an issue with path searching only matching the end of the path
    	fixed an issue preventing the database saving to disk when shutting down
    	fixed an issue when uninstalling localized start menu shortcuts
    	fixed a system beep when pressing alt back space
    	fixed a memory leak when creating a shell item
    	fixed an issue selecting the edit text when the main window did not have focus
    	fixed a crash when sorting a large number of results
    Friday, 13 March 2009: Version
    	added title customization
    	added NOT operator (!)
    	added special case wildcards
    	added authentication support for QTWeb
    	added the option to exclude hidden and system files
    	added a basic text export option
    	added search only mode for HTTP/FTP servers
    	added shortcut keys for search options
    	added special case wildcards
    	added utf8 support for the FTP server
    	added keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Enter to open path
    	added extension and type columns
    	added support for external file managers via the ini file
    	added exclude paths to etp/ftp/http servers
    	added unicode support
    	added multiple language support
    	added removable NTFS volume support
    	added exclude folder filter
    	added option to check media on removable volumes (floppy drives are disabled by default)
    	added custom icon support
    	added optional http server user name and password
    	added option to use FTP links for ETP connections
    	added option to choose which drives are included in the installer
    	added fullscreen mode (F11)
    	added portability
    	improved rendering performance
    	improved search parsing
    	improved multiple instances option
    	improved command line parsing
    	improved option window navigation with keyboard
    	improved tooltip help for some items
    	improved searching performance with wildcards by upto 5 times
    	improved searching performance by upto 30%
    	improved ETP/FTP/HTTP performance
    	improved text rendering output and performance
    	improved rendering performance when updating the UI due to a large amount of changes to the file system.
    	improved memory usage when database is unload by clearing icon and file info cache
    	improved volume management
    	improved sorting performance
    	improved ftp command LIST
    	fixed an issue with HTTP url parsing
    	fixed default icons for windows 7 beta
    	fixed user handle leak in context menus
    	fixed a problem with cut/copy/paste
    	fixed cut with files and folders in different folders
    	fixed start menus for Vista
    	fixed opening a folder that had the same name as an executable
    	fixed the FTP REST position
    	fixed unicode IPC queries
    	fixed sorting by descending size 
    	fixed characters being displayed incorrectly with the HTTP server 
    	fixed copying files and folders in different folders.
    	fixed drag drop shortcuts
    	fixed an issue when searching for wildcards with match path enabled
    	fixed delete for files and folders in different folders
    	fixed an issue with long file names
    	fixed the folder and file selection after sorting and changing search parameters
    	fixed folder and file renaming using invalid destination
    	fixed mouse wheel scrolling using the wrong number of lines to scroll
    	fixed icons for files with the extension lnk and url
    	fixed show shell context menus toggle in options window
    	fixed a problem with menus blocking after a search was started
    	fixed -filename command line option using the wrong path
    	fixed new windows inheriting old windows settings
    	fixed horizontal scroll bar using wrong width
    	fixed a gdi leak when closing a window
    	fixed the default large icon
    Monday, 29 September 2008: Version
    	added -search <text> command line option
    	added quick launch shortcut option to installer and options menu
    	added better support for corrupt ntfs drives
    	added wildcards
    	added regex
    	added highlighted search terms
    	added customizable text size
    	added support for Windows Vista SP1
    	added help index
    	added version information to everything.exe header
    	added version information to installer exe header
    	added descriptions to installer packages
    	added support for removable drives
    	added start menu shortcuts to options
    	added desktop shortcuts to options
    	added option to merge settings using Merge.c
    	added optional new window hotkey
    	added Everything IPC
    	added optional icon cache size
    	added database compression
    	added page up / page down from edit will now change focus to the list control
    	changed configuration file to Everything.ini
    	improved status of servers under the tool menu
    	improved about dialog
    	improved support for Windows 95/98
    	improved support for corrupt NTFS volumes
    	improved support for removable NTFS volumes
    	improved file info cache
    	improved icon cache
    	improved database loading speed
    	removed uxtheme dependency
    	removed annoying popups
    	removed all technical messages and moved them into ErrorLog.txt
    	fixed a bug that prevented hotkeys from being unregistered
    	fixed a bug that prevented the listview being drawn for the first time
    	fixed an issue when loading icon and file information cache of visible items when multiple windows were open
    	fixed an issue with loading visible icon and file information cache
    	fixed a problem where the listview was not getting drawn when shown
    	fixed USN Journal deletion
    	fixed a focus issue when opening Everything from a folder context menu
    	fixed a crash when opening a context menu on a compressed or encrypted file
    	fixed a bug with reading version.c
    	fixed a crash when rebuilding the database that had a query with a selection
    	fixed a handle leak when watching drives for changes
    	fixed a memory leak when refreshing icons and file information
    	fixed a memory leak when closing a context menu
    Wednesday, 20 February 2008: Version
    	first official release
    	new home at http://www.voidtools.com
    	added mouse wheel support
    	added classes
    	added drag drop support
    	added about dialog
    	added ETP server
    	added HTTP server
    	added more options pages
    	added edit menu and keyboard shortcuts
    	added filters
    	added run in background option
    	added right click menus
    	added alternate row color
    	added jump to support
    	added rename support
    	added support for multiple instances
    	added file information columns
    	added keep selection after sort option
    	improved range selection
    	improved window positioning
    	improved initial search while database was loading
    	improved threading
    	improved event handling
    	improved rendering performance
    	improved database creation performance
    	improved sorting performance
    	fixed an issue with saving filters
    	fixed an issue when creating the database
    	fixed a non-blocking issue when executing a result
    	fixed a thread issue 
    	fixed an issue when monitoring changes after loading the database
    	fixed an issue that would show no results when the database was loading
    	fixed a dead lock when unloading the database
    	fixed a dead lock when updating the database
    	fixed an issue with processing updates after a database was rebuilt
    	fixed an issue with launching folders
    	fixed an issue where folders are seen as files
    	fixed a scroll bug
    	fixed a show window issue
    	fixed an issue with empty database not being saved
    	fixed a search issue
    Wednesday, 7 March 2005: Version 0.102
    	First public release
    	added UI
    	added match case
    	added match whole word
    	added match path
    	improved database
    Wednesday, 22 December 2004: Version 0.1
    	First build